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Thread: Article: List of Black Listed Universities in USA

  1. #21
    Hi is Silicon valley university, CA is good or not for MS program , does anyone have h1 approvals through SVU

  2. #22
    Is southern Arkansas in black list.

  3. #23
    I want to know whether I can admission in NIU with gre score of 296??

  4. #24

    I Global University in Annandale - Virginia

    Hi could any one give some insight into i global university in annandale, virginia.
    Whether it is black listed or what are the likely merits and demerits of choosing this university for ms program.

    Kindly reply me to jrk991978@gmail.com


    Quote Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
    northwestren polytechnic university
    silicon vally university
    international technological university
    herguan university
    sofia university

    california especially surrounding in silicon valley with in 10 kms range

    university of potomac

    all are in immigration checklist any time they will ride and put in blacklist and immigration team concentrates on these universitys

    recently some people got visa on svu immigration rejects those admission and cancelled their visa send back to india
    official news sanfransisco 15 members chicago 9 members rejects their admission
    sfo and chicago airports are very strict on immigration they scrutiny everything on your record if any found with in fraction of seconds fbi team came and interogates in their room if ur genuine and have capability to convince they only they approves immigration clearence otherwise cancells your visa

    in my flight nearly 25 svu students came in singapore airlines reached sfo they admit after 1 hour of lot of questions only 22 admitted 3 rejected i saw their pain in airport friends please be aware of this universities ......

    Have a great career a head better to avoid landing in sanfransisco and chicago airports

  5. #25

    Atlantic International University


    I was reading your list of unaccredited universities and noticed you had Atlantic International University listed. FYI, they now have full accreditation

    AIU has been accredited by Accreditation Service for International Colleges

    See CHEA's International Directory as they are listed

    I would are asking kindly that you to remove their names from this list as they now have proper accreditation. More care should be taken in consideration that actual human beings such as its students, grads or staff at this University is directly harmed if unfair and unsupported defamatory allegations are made.

  6. #26
    Harpreet Singh

    about collage

    Is everett community collage in washington in seattle metropolitan area is in black listed?? Pls send me answer.

  7. #27

    University of North America is Accredited by the ACICS

    The University of North America (UoNA.edu)is has been accredited since Sept 2014. Please take UoNA off this blacklist as soon as possible.

  8. #28
    Is it NWU is black listed by usa government.
    muralimohan. p@ocl.in

  9. #29
    Is it NWU california black listed.

  10. #30
    is that Silicon valley university is in blacklist

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