Hello!! My GRE score is 310(V:149, Q:161, AWA: 4.0) and TOEFL score is:102.
I have got admits from Rutgers, SUNY-Buffalo, UMTC, SUNY-Stony Brook, UIC, University of Florida.
I want to pursue masters in VLSI specialization.
But, some of the courses offered in University of Florida like Brain machine interface engineering, intelligent machines design laboratory are very interesting.
But, I am afraid and confused that taking the above courses may not get me a job so easily as they are still in the budding stages.
Please help me out. And can you please throw some light on the course(University of Florida:Brain machine interface engg.,intelligent machines design etc.) scope, internship and job opportunities worldwide.
Waiting for response from: USC, UC-Irvine,and Virginia Polytech
Last edited by AshutoshV; 04-10-2017 at 10:34 AM.
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