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Thread: Please evaluate my profile and suggest Universities

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Please evaluate my profile and suggest Universities

    I am planing to apply to universities for my Masters in Computer Science.

    Please review my profile and suggest me some universities.

    GRE - 335 , 170 (Q) 165 (V)
    TOEFL - Scheduled
    BE CGPA - 6.6 / 10 , Computer Science, BITS Pilani, India
    10th - ICSE 94.5%
    12th - CBSE 91%

    Projects - 2, but related to Computer Networks.
    Work Experience, 1.5 Yrs as Software Engineer.


  2. #2
    MS in US Guru
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Your profile is outstanding but the only issue is with your B.E CGPA.....its not that good, you can try some good universities namely....

    University of Pittsburgh - Moderate
    University of Pennsylvania - Moderate
    Ohio State University - Safe[60% chances of you getting admit]
    University of Michigan--Ann Arbor - Safe
    University of California--(San Diego/LA/Santa Cruz) - Moderate

    All the Best!

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