Please Evaluate my Computer Science profile:
CGPA: 8.4/10
GRE: 319 (V-156, Q-163, AWA-4)
TOEFL: 114
Work Experience: 2 year 7 months
I have one Paper published in IJCCI.
No backlog.

This is the list of universities I have applied to right now for MS in Computer Science:
1) University of Pennsylvania
2) University of California, Sandiego
3) Columbia University
4) Wisconsin Maddison
5) University of Texas, Austin

I already received a reject from University of Pennsylvania, I would like to know what are my chances with the other universities?
Please review the above list and/or recommend some other good universities with some good background in research whose deadlines have not passed by now, which is achievable through my present profile. I would really like to get into MS this year, so what other safe universities do you recommend for my profile?

Thank you for your time in reading through this post.