Hi, I need some serious advice on my university applications for Spring 2015 and Fall 2015.
(*Since I have given GRE on Feb 6th 2014, so won't be applying at any university this Fall.)

Here is my profile:- (I'll be applying for MS in CS)

GRE 332 (Verbal 164, Quant 168)
B.Tech ECE CGPA 6.70 (Graduated from VNIT Nagpur in 2011)
3yrs Work Experience at Intel Capital.
Some Good projects in Software development.

Tell me about my chances at these universities and please do tell me whether or not they offer any TA's/RA's.
1. UC Davis
2. U of Chicago
3. University of Southern California
4. U of Massachusetts, Amherst
5. Penn State University
6. UT of Austin
7. UT of Arlington
8. Virginia Tech
9. North Carolina State University
10. Vanderbilt University
11. University of Illinois at Chicago
12. University of Florida
13. Texas A&M University

Thanks in Advance. If you know any vital information that I should know before applying to any of these Universities, pls do tell.