Very impressive GRE scores
Avg GRE for Univ as a whole
Caltech 158v+166q; UCLA 155q+161v; UCSD 154v+160q;Georgia Tech Instt:155v+161q.
Stanford:158v+163q; MIT: 157v+162q
As regards Masters in Comp Science: Georgia Tech Inst, Yale, and university of Pennsylvania are grouped under the category of universities for score of 325 to 333.
Stanford, MIT, Caltech, UCLA, UCSD are grouped under the category: above GRE score of 333.
USC falls in the group of score range from 320-325.
The following are a few of the Universities which are grouped under GRE Score category 320-325 University of Delaware
University of California – Davis
University of Colorado –Boulder
University of Notre Dame
University of Chicago
Lehigh University (PA)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)
University of Cincinnati
University of Florida; Gainesville
Washington University St Louis
UMASS Amherst
You may note that University of Cincinnati is very generous in extending financial aid to masters students. Please see this link: One US University with 2000 Graduate Assistantships each Year.
Good luck.