I will be giving my GRE this june. I am interested in fall 2014 admissions.
I am a graduate from NIT from ECE department.
Presently working as IP verification engg in Samsung Electronics.
CGPA-9.08(2nd topper)
projects: Design of Power Optimized circuit of LC Voltage Controlled Oscillator for use in GSM Handsets(final year project), Wireless Communication systems (DRDO-2months project)
Awards: 2nd topper in dept, Amdocs scholarship(2012), within top 10 All India, CBSE +2 board exams.
I have quite a few extracurricular activities to list too.
i wish to work in VLSI and join Samsung Electronics system LSI design team after my Masters.
I am little confused regarding the score I should aim for in GRE.
In a practice test, i had scored 312, 322 (Kaplan).
It would be really helpful, if you could give me some advice on this.
Also, I have listed few universities:
4)UC-San Diego
5)U of Texas, Austin
7)Univ Of Maryland,College Park
8)UC-Santa Barabara
9)U of Minnesota,Twin cities
10)Virginia Tech
11)Univ of Florida
12)Purdue Univ
14)Univ of southern california.
It would really help, if you could rank these univs and even add few if you feel so.
look for 325+ if you want to join the top league
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