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Is there any thing needed to do while getting profile evaluation?
Hi All,
My plan is to do MS in US in VLSI design.
My profile is :
GRE: 310 Quant :163 Verbal :147 AWA : 3
TOEFL : will take on 23rd Nov
B.Tech :ECE :9.18(GPA) University : West Bengal University of Technology
College :Techno India
12th :68.1%
10th : 83%
Work Experience: 2+ year in EDA Industry and VLSI design[working In Interra Systems as a contractor of Texas Instruments India ]
No paper publication yet
Awards and Projects:
- 3rd topper of college in 3rd year.
- winner of Science Fair in Birala Industrial & Technical Museum , Kolkata
for my hardware Project "Mobile Controlled Robot"
- winner in Infocom , Industrial Science Fair for the same project
- Technical fest Event organizer in College .
- got "Interra Flamingo Award" for excellent professional attitude.
Can arrange 2 LOR from college. and 2 from company.
Universities I searched about :
1. Arizona State University
2. University of Florida
3. University of Maryland, college Park
4 .University of Southern California
5. GaTech
6. Virginia Tech
7. Ohio State University
8. University of Texas Dallas
9, North Carolina State University
10.University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
11.UMass, Amherst
12.Pennsylvania State Univ-Univ Par
Please evaluate my profile and suggest if I missed some good colleges .
Thanks and Regards,
I did not get any reply yet..
Is there any thing needed to do while getting profile evaluation?
Read the foll. instructions carefully :
I have reduced the no of university. Is there any other thing missing now ?
Hi All,
My plan is to do MS in US in VLSI design.
My profile is :
GRE: 310 Quant :163 Verbal :147 AWA : 3
TOEFL : will take on 23rd Nov
B.Tech :ECE :9.18(GPA) University : West Bengal University of Technology
College :Techno India
12th :68.1%
10th : 83%
Work Experience: 2+ year in EDA Industry and VLSI design[working In Interra Systems as a contractor of Texas Instruments India ]
No paper publication yet
Awards and Projects:
- 3rd topper of college in 3rd year.
- winner of Science Fair in Birala Industrial & Technical Museum , Kolkata
for my hardware Project "Mobile Controlled Robot"
- winner in Infocom , Industrial Science Fair for the same project
- Technical fest Event organizer in College .
- got "Interra Flamingo Award" for excellent professional attitude.
Can arrange 2 LOR from college. and 2 from company.
Universities I searched about :
1. Arizona State University
2. University of Florida
3. GaTech
4. Virginia Tech
5. Ohio State University
6. University of Texas Dallas
7, North Carolina State University
8.University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
9.UMass, Amherst
10.Pennsylvania State Univ-Univ Par
Please evaluate my profile and suggest if I missed some good colleges .
Thanks and Regards,
Last edited by satyanshuu; 11-16-2012 at 01:53 PM.
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