My slot is at 9 am and I reached the consulate by 8 and allowed inside at 8.45.
There is a large que at the consulate and in took nearly 1.5 hrs for me to get near the actual interview counter passing all the security checkings and scrutiny counters.
The visa officer is very young and white guy in a very good and cool mood, this is the first impression I got looking at him. Just before me a girl went to him and he interviewed her for 2 min and granted her the visa and seeing this I got great confidence that I will be also accepted and maintained my facial expression with confidence.
Its my turn now.
Me: good morning sir.
Vo: good morning, he was just typing something for while and then asked me “ when did u pass out”
Me: I just got stuttered but said this year sir.
Vo: whats ur aggregate
Me: 65.2 sir
Vo: how many backlogs?
Me: 2 sir for my goodness.
Vo: whats ur gre score?
Me: 1250 sir with 520 in verbal and 730 in maths,I really stuttered while answering this.
Vo: whats ur IELTS?
Me: sir I have taken my Toefl
Vo: then whats ur Toel score?
Me: 100 sir.
Vo: 100? Pass ur gre and toefl score cards. He verified them keenly for some time and returned them back to me. Then he asked me who is going to fund u?
Me: sir my father is a senior central govt.employee and we do have a family income of some xxx lakhs per annum including my uncles income.
Vo: whats ur fathers income?
Me: sir its xx lacs per annum.
Vo: why is ur uncle funding u ( frns, this is the imp question one must be prepared well in advance).
Me: sir I was born and bought up at his home from my childhood and he has only one child settled in hyd, so out of his love and affection and as he dosent have any other children he is funding me. While answering this he was looking deep into my eyes.
Vo: how did u get this much liquid cash into ur account ready.
Me: sir, as I told u my father has 25 experience in central govt. from time to time he saved some money and for the purpose of my education we pooled up all the money into one account. He was just looking into my eyes deeply while I was answering this.
Vo: why did u choose SUNY-BUFFALO.
Me: sir its having a good prog. for my branch and the faculty there is ranked 9th for my branch all over usa.
Vo: he just changed his facial expression and said “what”.
Me: sir I got this info from the univ. website and explained something.
Vo: he just typed something and uttered those magical words “ok, I am issuing you the visa”.
Me: thank u sir, thanks a lot, have a nice day. ( all with smile).
Vo: thank u.
I walked out of the consulate with all smile on my face.
Frns, just one tip I learnt somewhere,
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