Conversation Between rmarupudi and Satya_Gre

2 Visitor Messages

  1. University of Texas, Arlington - Safe
    University of Alabama, Huntsville --Very good university, mod chances for you, but apply
    University of Illinois at Springfield - Safe
    University of North Texas - Safe
    University of Texas, Dallas -- Mod chances
    Wichita State University - Safe, low tuition fee, excellent climatic conditions

    Hope this list is enough for you!

  2. Hi Satya,
    (FALL 2013, CS , GRE : 301 , TOEFL 90-100 , acad; 80%)
    Need Help in Selecting Universities. :

    GRE : 301 (V-141 , Q-160, AWA -3.5)
    TOEFL :90-100 (not yet taken)
    acad : 80%

    Funding And Assistantships are major issues seeking .
    No place barrier. (Mostly Florida, WV, Virginia , Texas , Illinois)

    Please help in selecting the right universities and apply for them .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2