Hi, In need some help. My GRE 304 (v-144, q-160) TOEFL 87 (R-20 L-22 S-24 W-21) B.tech- 8.22 in ECE Pondicherry EngineerinG College Internship of 1 month in embedded systems at One Pvt company Applying for Telecommunication Eng. for FALL-2013 Applied for 1. Rochester Institute of Technology- Telecomm 2. New Jersey Institute of Technology-Telecomm 3. Univ. of Missouri Kansas City- Electrical 4. Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte-Telecomm. 5. University of Texas- Arlington - Telecomm 6. Oklahama state Univ - Telecomm Will I able to get any admission in any of these UNiversities ?? Pls do comment on my selected univ's and any better options for me ?? Help me OUT... !!