Conversation Between Madhavi Ve and ashwinrk

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Ashwin,

    We can apply for only one scholarship.

    We have a new $1000 Jonsson School Graduate Study Scholarship program and the competitive, merit-based scholarships is awarded to selected incoming graduate students. Scholarship is subject to the availability of funds and is non-renewable. All MS students and PhD students entering the Computer Science/Software Engineering in fall 2013 are eligible to apply (Scholarships - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science - The University of Texas at Dallas).

    U can apply to this..
    Hope it helps
  2. hey hi...
    I got an admit to UTD for Ms in CS...Working on collecting the supporting documents to initiate the I20 process..I have a query..What are the scholarships available n can u tel me something about the prospects of getting one??Awaiting your response..Thank in advance..

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