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13 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi pavan hw u ?? hope u r doing gud

    can u gimme ur mail id
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    I went through the consultancy bt i havent applied to any universities yet
    im planning for spring intake
  3. View Conversation
    Hey thanq u so much
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    A.W 3.0
    B.Tech agg:66% with 4 backlogs(cleared)
    TOEFL:waiting for the scored
    Plz suggest me some good universities (FALL 2013)
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    I am thinking of writing GRE and toefl in April
    I dont have good academics, 10 th 90% inter 86% But 63 with 16 backlogs (Evrything cleared in Final Semister 7 regular +16 backlogs )
    completed degree in regular time ,I have been working in IBM for 2 years and now in Mindtree(4 mnths) as senior cloud security engineer
    Apart from i am very passionate about Systems and Networks and Done certifications Like MCSE,Vmware CP,ITIL,CEH(Ethical hacking ).
    My question is only one ...Since this is crucial choice ...I would like to know your suggestion on How much i have to score for a Good Univ ,Fee waivers,Cause my fanicial stamina is appropriate ..I mean if its a Good univ and good life ..i am ready to pay @ any cost.
    Kindly provide me a suggestion Plz
  6. View Conversation
    I've mailed you a test mail. Good day.
  7. View Conversation
    ok st u, arizona st u, suny buffalo, oregon st u, u of houstn, missouri u of sci & tech, michign insti of techno..
    what universities did u apply
  8. oh congrats Sujata ... what universities did u apply finally??? i am also waiting for the i-20s ...
  9. View Conversation
    Actually I'm about to finish application procedure of last Univ. Remaining have already been done..
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Javvaji..
    Thanks for your suggestions..
    Actually due to financial constrains, I'm more interested in any possible financial aid..
    Also, what can I do to boost my chances of getting financial help..I mean I heard that I should write essays to professors to get TA/RA before I get I-20. Is it true..?
    Our profile is much similar.. Keep in touch.
    Once again, thanks for your valuable suggestions..
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About Javvaji

Basic Information

About Javvaji
Location/City: kurnool, india
Term Applying: Fall 2013
Degree Applying: Masters
Major Applying: Electrical Engineering
GRE Verbal: 142
GRE Quant: 164
GRE AWA: 3.5
TOEFL Score: 98
Academic Percentage/GPA: 74.78
Current Degree and Major: in Electronics & Communications
Extracurricular Activities/Awards: one month intern at thinklabs in field of embeddede systems, a national conference on vlsi signal processing and embedded systems in which i gave a paper on embedded systems which was co-soonsered by IEEE.
Universities Applied
University 1: SUNY, Buffalo
Status of Univ 1: Accepted
University 2: West Virginia University
Status of Univ 2: Accepted
University 3: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 3: Rejected
University 4: San José State University
Status of Univ 4: Applied
University 5: New Jersey Institute of Technology
Status of Univ 5: Accepted
University 6: University of Oklahoma
Status of Univ 6: Applied
University 7: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Status of Univ 7: Accepted




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please help me out 03-21-2013 01:18 PM
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Universities Applied
University 1: SUNY, Buffalo
Status of Univ 1: Accepted
University 2: West Virginia University
Status of Univ 2: Accepted
University 3: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 3: Rejected
University 4: San José State University
Status of Univ 4: Applied
University 5: New Jersey Institute of Technology
Status of Univ 5: Accepted
University 6: University of Oklahoma
Status of Univ 6: Applied
University 7: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Status of Univ 7: Accepted