hello, i'm desperate to get in utd, here is my profile GRE - 150 VER,166 QUANT,AWA 3 B.E AGGREGATE 63%,INTER 85,10TH 86 TOFEL - 105 expected PHY GRE 870 CAN I GET ADIMITD IN PHYSICS DEPT UTD
hi..this is siri.here is my profile.please tell me whether i 'm suitable to apply for UTD with my profile or not? GRE-299/340 VERBAL-142,QUANT-157,AWA-2.5 IELTS-6 BANDS B.TECH-69% INTER-92% 10TH-83.17% Done diploma in java technologies from NIIT Done International Sun certification in JAVA Have decent SOP's and LOR's Paper presentations-3,Extra curricular's-3 please tell me the chances of getting admission into UTD for doing MS in Computer science course for the fall 2013.
hey,congrats on ur admit to UTD in ITM....I would like to apply to the same for the fall 2013...I have the following gre 313--quant 165 and verbal 148 toefl 95 b.tech CSE 63% 10th 86% 12th 93% no professional work ex! extremely great extra curriculars like national level sports and Management experience Can you tell me my chances if i apply now?? for fall 2013?and also ur acads and profile??thank a TON!!
hi This is ragavendra I got gre score 300 Quant - 159 Verbal - 141 and my B.Tech aggregate is 83%in Mechanical stream and my 10 and +2 are 90 and 94% Toefl yet to take plz tell me my chances of getting admitted into this university to do ms in computer science for fall 2014
GRE 309 148-V 161 AWA 4.0 TOEFL 102 BTech(up to IIIrd year) 76% 10th 92% 12th 92% Two summer internships. Pl evaluate for UTD Fall 2013. I need funding.
In continuation to earlier message: discipline for MS computer science.Present branch in BTech is also computer science engineering.Read Fall 2014 in place of Fall2013.