Hi, Need Profile Evaluation And Suggest good university for FALL 2016 Name: V V NARSI REDDY Branch: Computer Science & Engineering class of 2016 Degree Goal (MS/PhD): MS UG University: VIT University GPA/Percentage :8.38 (till 6th Semester) Topper's Percentage (or GPA): 9.8 Your rank in your class: 200 out of 530 -------------------------------------------- GRE: 312(Q-164,V-148,AWA-3) Toefl: Expecting 90-100 --------------------------------------------- Internships: 1 HCL Chennai,based of network communications for one month --------------------------------------------------------- Projects : I. Based on Software Engineering - Project Management a. Done as a group of three people throughout the semester b. Objective: Design a frontend (using HTML, JSP, PHP, CSS) which is user friendly to customers and a backend database to store the details of customers, Employees and projects. c. The application is a medium of communication between the hierarchy of the company and the clients. d. The application helps the end user communication so any requirement miscommunications can be avoided and better project management can be done. e. Backup and restore can be forwarded by the employee to the administrator directly from the application. f. The entire project is done by the group of three members throughout the semester. II. Based on Internet and Web Programming - Web Application for autocorrect suggestions a. Auto correct prototype web application. b. Any algorithm can be used in the prototype for autocorrect. c. The algorithm used suggests the user the exact word based on the word usage. d. The entire project is done by the group of two members throughout the semester. III. Based on Software Engineering - Law and Order Automation a. Front end is done using HTML,CSS,Javascript and the database was oracle. b. The application can give the citizen to register with the help of police and help them catch the criminals And also has the magistrate and punishments c. Planning of the future strategies can be done using the application to improve the success rate d. The entire project is done by the group of two members throughout the semester. IV. Based on Database Systems - VIT FFCS Attendance a. Front end is done using HTML,CSS and the database was oracle. b. It is used for faculty to upload the details of attendance and students have their login. c. The entire project is done by the group of three members throughout the semester. --------------------------------------------------------- Paper Published- None currently on software project reuse not done yet i dont think that will be usefull since it will not be completed untill december --------------------------------------------------------- Shortlisted University- SUNY Stony Brook University of Utah Suny Buffalo Iowa State University Indiana University Bloomington Kansas State University UNC- Charlotte please suggest me some universities i think that all the universities i shortlisted are ambitious or moderate please also suggest me some safe universities!!! please also divide the universities that i applies into safe,moderate,ambitious Thank You, Narsi