My profile: GRE 1170 (800+ 370) AWA 3 Toefl 93 B.E in ECE- CGPA 6.1 with 2 pending backlogs in electronic subjects (Grades in CS subjects are good) I've applied for MS in CS 1) NCSU- rejected 2) UT dallas- rejected 3) UT arlington- they sent me a mail saying i should complete my subjects first but i can only do that in may! 4)TAMU college station- pending 5) NJIT- pending With feb coming to an end, I am little worried now. Can you suggest me few universities for my profile which i can apply now.
ISU- Accepted UNO- Rejected CSU-lb- Gonna apply
wiu-accepeted. wsu-accepted cbu-accepted, nmu-waiting isu-waiting
San Francisco State University - Admit Drexel University - Reject
Carnegie Mellon University - Accepted Lehigh University - Accepted Johns Hopkins University- Rejected
Carnegie Mellon University - Accepted NorthEastern Uni - Accepted Johns Hopkins -Pending University of Houston- Pending Poly NYU -Pending
Northwest Missouri State University- Accepted Western Illinois University- Accepted Wright state university- Waiting University of New Orleans- Waiting
Texas Arlington- reject NYUpoly -reject SJSU-waiting uni of Georgia -waiting Uni of north texas denton -waiting
Pepperdine University- Admit CSU-Long Beach-Waiting University of SanDiego-Waiting
Hi.. Auburn Univ - Admit UHMC - Admit KSU - Reject West Virginia Univ - Reject NDSU - Waitng
Stevens - admit nyit - admit suny albany - admit...finally gonna join. nyu poly- reject clarkson- reject rit- reject njit- reject fiu- reject