• what is a recommendation letter in applying to US Schools?

    What is a Recommendation letter?

    When you are applying to MS in US,PhD you need to submit 2 or 3 recommendation letters to the university. You can get recommendation letters from professors at your undergrad(BE/B.tech) college or manager/colleagues at work.
    Although grade point averages and English Exams' scores play a significant role in college or university admissions, most graduate programs do not base their decisions on numeric scores alone. Recommendation Letters play an important role in your application process.

    Sometimes for different reasons, students will often find themselves in the position to write these letters themselves. The professor will, in this case, only proof-read and signs the text. In case you are one of the lucky ones who do not have to write recommendation letters, you should still read this section. You will find useful hints about how to properly handle this delicate part of the application process. The following information is provided in this section:

    Recommendation letters are written by professors whom you have worked under or obtained good grades in their courses. They should know you well and be familiar with your projects. They can help the admission committee to get a better picture of your potential.

    Every part of your application creates the image of your personality in the minds of the admissions committee members. The recommendation letters provide a third person perspective on the kind of a person you are. What a recommendation letter says about you should supplement the image you are trying to project.

    what is the Importance of Recommendation letters in applying t US universities?

    Highly competitive programs may simply use grade point averages and English exams scores as a screening device to reduce the size of their applicant pool. In such a situation, letters of recommendation can be extremely important. Hence, good recommendations can serve as a powerful tool to ‘sell’ you to the committee.

    Your recommendations are important because they verify your claims and provide the admissions committee an opportunity to learn more about you from people you have worked closely with

    How many Recommendation Letters do we need?

    For an MS or Doctoral program, you should get at least two recommendations from your professors.

    Choosing the appropriate mix of recommenders largely depends on the program you are applying for. For an MBA program, two recommendations from work and one from school is generally a good balance.
    jayantchowdary likes this.
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. bhargavax's Avatar
      bhargavax -
      do certificates of participation in workshops, seminars, paper presentation have any value when applying for the universities or during visa interviews ?
    1. vinays143's Avatar
      vinays143 -
      hey can anyone let me know that how to submit the LOR to UT,Dallas
    1. Lovely's Avatar
      Lovely -
      Dear Admin,

      It has been over 2 years since I graduated from my university and I recently found out that the professors who were teaching me at that time are no longer working in my university.
      Now, is it alright if I get recommendation from the faculty who no longer teaches there? or should I try to get recommendation letters from other faculty from University who do not teach any relevant subject as my decided MS Major??

      Please suggest..!
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Can i get one of my LOR's from my school principal and 11th/12th principal???
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -

      I was planning to get a LOR from my team lead in the previous company as I know him well. But he had already left that company. Can I still get my LOR from him?

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