F1 Visa Interview for Texas Tech University
Visa approved
Consulate: Hyderabad
University: Texas Tech University(TTU)
Date: 6th June, 2013
Slot: 10 am
Counter: 13
My visa experience:
Me: Hello madam, good morning.
VO: Good morning, how r u? (with a smile on face)
Me: Iam good, how r u?
VO: I am good too, pls pass me the passport.
Me: Gave
VO: Which school?
VO: Y did u choose this school?
Me: Told about the univ and specialisation m gonna take.
VO: What will u do after passing out with that specialisation?
Me: Told
VO: How many bklogs?
Me: None
VO: Where is the univ located?
Me: told
VO: What other admits do u have?
Me: Only TTU.
VO: (With perplexity) What all did u apply?
Me: Told
VO: Thats ok, ur visa is approved.(with a bigg smile )
Took the finger prints and said bye with a smile.
Total interview lasted for 30 to 45 seconds. Questions rained one after the other. she took some time for entering the data.
All who r going to attend the interview, be frank and truthful. Dont fake, a guy in front of me did that and he got rejected. All the best

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