I've seen lot a of applicants rushing to apply for Spring/Fall and making arrangements for their process. Before taking a decision, I just want to give you some tips in applying to US Universities and your VISA.
Tips for applying to US Universities and Visa
Before choosing or applying a USA University, Make sure U follow these two points-1) Does the Univ has its accredition for the department U choose?
2) Is ur profile exactly justifies the UNiv admission requirements (everyone makes a big mistake here)
3) Is it in ur limit of Cost of Education
4) Most imporant one -> make sure U choose a city r atleast a place U get plenty of transportation and facilities.
Dont think that the entire part of USA is under the dream lights and U'll hav fun in all the places. There are many places without any jobs, fund and with dull environment.
*** : Make sure U majorly tend urself for state Univ's than private Univ's.
Each Univ has its own ranking and depending on it, their deadline varies. Admissional requiremetns and Deadlines varie from Departmtnet to Deptrnmtn.
I see that most of U guys r trying to apply for 4,6,8 Univ's. Oh goddd, Its just only one ticket per head to a movie. Similarly one admit for the VISA . Hardly 3 UNiv's is enough to apply and make sure U get an admit.
Most Important 1 :
I seee that U guys r aplying to 1 risky, 2 moderate, 2 safe.
I dont know wat does that mean but thats not the way U guys has to apply. risky, moderate, safe doesnt make any sense in getting an admit.
Try to follow this tips in applying to US universities :
make sure u apply for Univ's and plan to get all the 3 admits.
1) Pakka Admit + funding + low tuition fees
2) Pakka admit + funding.
3) pakka admit
Thats it. either of the way, U must get 3 admits. that should b ur goal.
Another main Important :
Every daffa, Jaffa/private Univ's has their own dealing with private agencies with conusltancies in India who completely work for their Business/profits.
Obviously every student approach a consultancy due to lack of knowledge at their prior step.
But try to understant that : these agencies wll have a deal with the only UNiv's who give comisison. Coz no state Univ entertain these kind of business.
Now assume every consulancy has their own deal with 50(assume) univ's. Through out India, every consultancy hav only these Univ's and whenever a student approch them, they give the same daily/regular /routine menu of their 50 Univ's, irrespecive of student profile and the Univ ranking.
This helps U in getting an admit. But listen frnds, A UNiv can give 'N' number of admits, but a visa officer cannot. He may hardly give 90-120 visas for a Univ to each country.
Now if every student rush with the same private Univ's for the VISA intrvw, the first 50-500 students get their visa and rest of all were denied without a reason .
---to avoid this, make sure U apply for a gud Univ and prefer a state Univ.
2) Visa mainly depends on 3 factors:
Acads,Gre, Work experience - most preferebly to HYD consutalte guys:
U must qualify atleast any 2 of the above factors which makes U 80% safe side in getting a visa.
Acads - 65%, GRe- 1000/300, wok exper: minimum of 1 year
If U fail to reach any 2, might lessen ur chances.
Apart from tehse 3 factors, Ur presentation plays a KEY role in getting a VISA irrespective of ur acads, gre.
Smartness+ Cunning also helps U in gettin a VISA( specially for low profile).
Main key poins to remember:
1)Try for state Univ's(doest mean that private r worst. But its always gud interms of funding, scholarships, any financial assistance in state univ 's thatn private)
2) try to avoid UHCL, NJIt, FDU, LIU, TAMU-kingsville, Commerce, routine Univ's.
3) Funding depends on ur acads, gre and first semester performace at the Univ.
4) There's no concept like VISA rating. If it would hav been existed, Every Univ has advertised its rating on their website. Its jus a bad mouth of consultancies.
5) rather an admit, VISA is important. so make sure that u Justify ur profile wih the UNiv requirement.
6) Visa depends on ur profile+ presentation.
Try to note, remember b4 U apply for a Univ . Wish U all the BEst. Sorry for my short hand and spellings.
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