MS in Management Information Systems (MS in MIS) contain both business courses and computerScience/IT courses in its Curriculum.
It deals with applying Information Systems to the Organization. MIS Prepares the future IT managers, Business Analysts, Systems Analysts, and Programmers in Healthcare, Insurance, Banking and marketing and other major domains.
Usually courses In MIS include Digital Business Systems (e-commerce), Database Marketing, Telecom management, Decision Support Systems, Project management/SDLC , Systems Development. MIS also deals with Data/Knowledge management.
MIS program will be offered by Business schools in Most of the universities and by engineering schools in few univs. Lot of schools will accept both GRE and GMAT for the admission into MIS.
Degree getting popular because of the job opportunities it had in the market. This is one of the highly raising fields in the today’s US job market. Most of the Computer Science/IT field jobs are being occupied by MIS Graduates. You can also prefeer PhD in Management Information systems after your MS in MIS
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