• IELTS Practice Tests

    You can boost your score band in IELTS just by giving practice IELTS tests before the actual test. Here are links to some the recommended free IELTS practice tests.. Must solve few of them before your IELTS. These are the best Free IELTS Practice tests online.


    IELTS has 4 sections- reading, listening, speaking and writing. You can go to links below and attempt practice tests for IELTS. These are free and online and extremely helpful to know where you stand in your preparation.

    1. Exam English

    This site offers free IELTS tests per section. You can practice basic level questions from all test sections.
    Go to right corner of the link to solve practice tests.

    2. British Council- Take IELTS

    Official practice test from the makers of the IELTS. These are must solve for practice test for everyone who would be appearing for IELTS.

    3. IELTS-Exam

    On this site you will find 13 online IELTS practice material and lots of practice questions. These questions are recommended during your IELTS preparation.
    Go to link

    4. Canada Visa- IELTS Practice

    2 complete tests, can navigate through sections. You also get your band score just after solving the test. These band scores usually are comparable to the actual IELTS score you may receive.

    5. ESOL Courses

    A lot of questions for IELTS listening and reading section practice.

    6. TestDen IELTS Challenge

    Full length interactive IELTS practice test! It is a practice test closest to the actual IELTS. Every IELTS aspirant must attempt this test week before the actual exam.

    Comment few other free online IELTS practice tests that you are aware of below..
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