How to buy flight ticket to USA?
If you have a Credit or Debit card it's better to buy tickets from Online websites. You can look for flight availability, timings, prices on websites like ,, Following is search box from makemytrip.comAlternatively, you can book directly from Airlines website.,, - are the official websites of some airlines.
Last option is booking ticket from your local agents. Almost all mid-sized cities will have travel agents who can help you with booking online ticket. They may charge you high sometimes when compared to online websites. So cross check with online websites for the prices if you are buying from local agent.
You will buy one way ticket which could probably cost anywhere between 30,000 INR to 100000 INR. Price varies by Departure and destination city and the date you are travelling.
Which airline to choose?
Popular Airlines that can fly you to USA are1) Emirates
2) Luftansa
3) Delta
4) American Airlines
5) Indian Airlines
6) Qatar
7) Etihad
8) Singapore Airlines.
Usually tickets are cheaper with Indian airlines, etihad. Emirates will give you luxury travel with comfortable space.
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