• Universities Based on Revised GRE Scores

    What Universities should i apply based on Revised GRE Score. Which US Universities should i select during GRE Exam for Score reporting?

    University selection at Gradate level mainly depend upon one's GRE score. You should choose a school to apply that would accept students of your GRE score range for better chances of application approval. Following list will give some light on what schools to apply for your Graduate Record Exam Score. This GRE university list will also provide you rough cut off score for graduate school admission.

    GRE Universities for Scores > 333

    US Universities for GRE Score Range of 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340. Apart from strong GRE Score, Strong TOEFL or IELTS and achievements required for these schools.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology www.mit.edu
    Stanford University www.stanford.edu
    University of California- Berkeley www.berkeley.edu
    University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign www.uiuc.edu
    University of Michigan Ann Arbor www.umich.edu
    Cornell University www.cornell.edu
    University of Texas at Austin www.utexas.edu
    University of Maryland – College park www.umd.edu
    University of California – San Diego www.ucsd.edu
    California Institute of Technology www.caltech.edu
    University of Wisconsin- Madison www.wisc.edu
    University of California Los Angles www.ucla.edu
    Harvard University www.harvard.edu
    Carnegie Mellon University www.cmu.edu

    Universities for Revised GRE Score > 325

    US Universities for GRE Score Range 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333

    Purdue University –West Lafayette www.purdue.edu
    Princeton University www.princeton.edu
    Pennsylvania State University –Univ Park www.psu.edu
    Georgia Institute of Technology www.gatech.edu
    Virginia poly Tech www.vt.edu
    Texas A & M College Station www.tamu.edu
    Duke University www.duke.edu
    University of Washington – Seattle www.washington.edu
    University of Minnesota www.umn.edu
    Columbia University www.columbia.edu
    Yale University www.yale.edu
    Ohio State University www.osu.edu
    University of Pittsburgh www.pitt.edu
    Brown university (RI) www.brown.edu
    John Hopkins University www.jhu.edu
    North Carolina State University www.ncsu.edu
    Dartmouth College, NH www.dartmouth.edu
    Iowa State University www.iastate.edu
    University of California- Santa Barbara www.ucsb.edu
    Case Western Reserve University www.cwru.edu
    Northwestern University (IL) www.northwestern.edu
    Arizona State University www.asu.edu
    University of Iowa www.uiowa.edu
    Rutgers, State Univ of NJ, New Brunswick www.rutgers.edu
    Rice University www.rice.edu
    University of Rochester www.rochester.edu
    University of Virginia www.virginia.edu
    University of Pennsylvania www.upenn.edu
    Universities for Revised GRE Score > 320

    US Universities for GRE test Score Range 321, 322, 323, 324, 325

    University of Delaware www.udel.edu
    University of California – Davis www.ucdavis.edu
    University of Colorado –Boulder www.colorado.edu
    University of Notre Dame www.nd.edu
    University of Chicago www.uchicago.edu
    Lehigh University (PA) www.lehigh.edu
    University of Southern California www.usc.edu
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) www.rpi.edu
    University of Cincinnati www.uc.edu
    University of Florida; Gainesville www.ufl.edu
    Washington University St Louis www.wustl.edu
    Vanderbilt University (TN) www.vanderbilt.edu
    University of California - Irvine www.uci.edu
    Michigan State University www.msu.edu
    University of Massachusetts – Amherst www.umass.edu
    Kansas State University www.ksu.edu
    University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa www.ua.edu
    University of Arizona-Tucson www.uarizona.edu
    University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill www.unc.edu
    Colorado School of Mines www.mines.edu
    University of Illinois at Chicago www.uic.edu
    University of New Hampshire www.unh.edu
    University of New Mexico www.unm.edu
    Boston University www.bu.edu
    Colorado State University www.colostate.edu
    Auburn University www.auburn.edu
    University of Buffalo www.buffalo.edu
    University of Akron www.uakron.edu
    Drexel University www.drexel.edu
    Syracuse University www.syr.edu
    Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu
    Clemson University www.clemson.edu

    MS in US Universities for Revised GRE Score > 314

    US Universities for GRE Score Range 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320

    University of Missouri – Rolla www.umr.edu
    University of Nebraska Lincoln www.unl.edu
    University of Connecticut www.uconn.edu
    University of Utah www.utah.edu
    University of Tennessee-Knoxville www.utk.edu
    West Virginia University www.wvu.edu
    University of Kansas www.ku.edu
    SUNY- stony brook www.sunnysb.edu
    University of Georgia www.uga.edu
    University of Missouri-Columbia www.mizzou.edu
    Oklahoma State University www.okstate.edu
    Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge www.lsu.edu
    University of South Carolina www.sc.edu
    Tulane University www.tulane.edu
    Indiana University - Bloomington www.indiana.edu
    University of Oklahoma www.ou.edu
    University of Miami www.miami.edu
    University of Texas – Dallas www.utdallas.edu
    Ohio University –Athens www.ohiou.edu
    University of Houston –Houston www.uh.edu
    Michigan technological University www.mtu.edu
    University of Maine www.umaine.edu
    University of Kentucky www.uky.edu
    George Washington University www.gwu.edu
    University of Central Florida www.ucf.edu

    Revised GRE Score Universities for GRE > 308

    US Universities for GRE Score Range 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314

    Northern Illinois University www.niu.edu
    Indiana University Purdue University www.iupui.edu
    University of Memphis www.memphis.edu
    University of Nevada Los Vegas www.unlv.edu
    University of Alabama-Huntsville www.uah.edu
    University of Idaho www.uidaho.edu
    Mississippi State university www.msstate.edu
    University of Missouri, Kansas City www.umkc.edu
    University of North Carolina-Charlotte www.uncc.edu
    Oregon Graduate Institute of Science &Tech www.ogi.edu
    George Mason University www.gmu.edu
    University of Indianapolis www.uindy.edu
    University of Nebraska Omaha www.unomaha.edu
    University of South Florida- Tampa www.usf.edu
    Middle Tennessee State University www.mtsu.edu
    Polytechnic University (NY) www.poly.edu
    University of New Orleans www.uno.edu
    University of Arkansas- Fayetteville www.uark.edu
    Tennessee Technological University www.tntech.edu
    University of South Florida www.usf.edu
    University of Louisiana-Lafayette www.lousiana.edu
    Florida Institute of Technology www.fit.edu
    Illinois Institute of Technology www.iit.edu
    Washington State University www.wsu.edu
    Georgia State University www.gsu.edu

    Revised GRE Universities for GRE > 300

    US Universities for GRE Score Range 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308

    Texas Tech University www.ttu.edu
    Wayne State University www.wayne.edu
    California State University, Sacramento www.csus.edu
    Missouri State University www.missouristate.edu
    New Mexico State University www.nmsu.edu
    North Dakota State University www.ndsu.edu
    University of Texas-Arlington www.uta.edu
    Clarkson University www.clarkson.edu
    Wright State University www.wright.edu
    University of Tennessee Chattanooga www.utc.edu
    University of Tulsa www.utulsa.edu
    Portland state university www.pdx.edu
    University of Vermont www.uvm.edu
    Baylor University, Texas www.baylor.edu
    Villanova University www.villanova.edu
    University of Tampa www.utampa.edu
    Louisiana Tech. University www.latech.edu
    New Jersey Institute of Technology www.njit.edu
    Idaho State University www.isu.edu
    Wichita State University www.wichita.edu
    University of Mississippi www.olemiss.edu
    Northeastern University www.northeastern.edu
    Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville www.siue.edu
    University of Alaska- Fairbanks www.uaf.edu
    Pace University, NY www.pace.edu
    Wright State University www.wright.edu
    Chicago State University www.csu.edu
    South Dakota State University www.sdsu.edu
    East Carolina University www.ecu.edu
    University of North Texas www.unt.edu
    SUNY Institute of Technology www.sunyit.edu
    University of Missouri at St Louis www.umsl.edu
    University of Northern Iowa www.uni.edu
    University of Toledo www.utoledo.edu
    University of Illinois at Springfield www.uis.edu
    Old Dominion University, Virginia www.odu.edu

    US Schools for Revised GRE Score > 290
    US Universities for GRE Score Range 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300

    Northwest Missouri State University www.nwmissouri.edu
    Lamar University www.lamar.edu
    Illinois State University, Normal www.ilstu.edu
    University of Louisville www.louisville.edu
    Texas A & M University, Commerce tamu-commerce.edu
    Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs www.coloradotech.edu
    Boise State university, Idaho www.boisestate.edu
    Montana State University, Bozeman www.montana.edu
    South Dakota School of Mines & technology www.sdsmt.edu
    North Carolina Agricultural & Tech State University www.ncat.edu
    Southern Illinois University, Carbondale www.siuc.edu
    Florida International university www.fiu.edu
    North Dakota State University www.nodak.edu
    Western Kentucky University www.wku.edu
    Bradley University www.bradley.edu
    Cleveland State University www.csuohio.edu
    University of Bridgeport –CT www.bridgeport.edu
    University of Dayton –Ohio www.udayton.edu
    Texas A & M university, Kingsville www.tamuk.edu
    University of West Florida, Pensacola www.uwf.edu
    Eastern Michigan University www.emich.edu
    Minnesota State University, Mankato www.mnsu.edu
    Suffolk University, MA www.suffolk.edu
    University of North Carolina, Greensboro www.uncg.edu
    New Mexico Institute of Mining &Tech. www.nmt.edu
    University of Central Arkansas www.uca.edu
    Southeastern University, DC www.seu.edu
    University of Hawaii www.hawai.edu
    University of Texas, Tyler www.uttyler.edu
    Eastern Washington University www.ewu.edu
    Southern Oregon University, Ashland www.sou.edu
    University of Texas at San Antonio www.utsa.edu
    State University of West Georgia www.westga.edu
    Ball State University www.bsu.edu
    University of Texas El Paso www.utep.edu
    Columbus State University www.colstate.edu
    Arkansas State University www.astate.edu
    University of Denver www.du.edu
    North Dakota State University www.ndsu.edu
    New York Institute of Technology www.nyit.edu
    California State University, Chico www.csuchico.edu
    Dakota State University www.dsu.edu
    St Cloud State University www.stcloudstate.edu
    Marquette University www.marquette.edu

    MS in US Universities for Low GRE Scores ( Below 290)

    US Schools for GRE Scores - 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289.

    Temple University, PA
    City College of the City of New York
    Northeastern Illinois University
    University of Detroit Mercy
    University of Arkansas Little Rock
    California State University, Fresno
    Alabama A & M University
    Widener University, Pennsylvania
    Alcorn State University
    Gannon University
    University of Findlay-Ohio
    San Diego State University, California
    Ball State University
    Northwestern Polytechnic University
    Jacksonville State University
    Saint Joseph University
    Chapman University
    Kent State University
    Ferris State University
    University of New Haven, CT
    Farleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey
    State University of New York, Albany
    College of William & Mary
    East Tennessee State University
    Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos
    DePaul University
    Mc Neese State University
    Oakland University
    Sam Houston State University
    San Jose state University
    William Patterson University
    Western Carolina University
    University of Central Oklahoma
    Widener University
    University of St Thomas, MN
    Western Illinois university
    Bowling Green State University, Ohio
    Delaware State University
    State University of New York, New Paltz
    Central Michigan University
    University of Southern Mississippi
    Indian University South Bend
    Saint Mary’s University San Antonio
    Shippensburg University, PA
    East Tennessee State University
    University of Texas, Pan America
    Jackson State University
    Oklahoma City University
    Frostburg State University
    La Salle University, PA
    Alfred University
    Monmouth University-New Jersey
    Southern New Hampshire University
    Roosevelt University Chicago
    Drake university
    Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
    Duquesne University
    Georgia College & State University
    Georgia Southern University
    Kennesaw State University
    Long Island University
    Loyola University Chicago
    Northern Kentucky University
    Lawrence Tech University
    Clark Atlanta University
    California State University, Northridge
    Catholic University of America, Washington
    Ohio Dominican College (University), Ohio
    Ferris State University, Michigan
    Fitchburg State University, MA
    Hawaii Pacific University, Hawaii
    Northwood University, Michigan
    Johnson and Wales University, RI
    Governors State University, Parkway IL
    Troy State University, Alabama
    Stevens Institute of Technology
    Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
    Golden Gate University
    Howard University
    Dominican University

    What is the GRE Score required for US University Admissions?

    A Score above 325 can get you into Excellent universities. 315 - 325 will get admission from above average US Universities. 300-315 Score for Average Universities.
    Follow the below table to know the universities suitable for your GRE Profile.

    Any Cuff off GRE Scores for Universities?

    Most of the universities don't mention the GRE Cut off scores except a few. Check university websites for information. Having above Cut off limit won't guarantee admission.

    Is GRE Score Mandatory for Admissions into US Universities?

    Most of the good universities require GRE except Few Exceptions. Find the Universities without GRE score requirement:

    Also Read:

    Select Universities Based on GRE,TOEFL, Academics - Use Our Profile Evaluation Technique>>>

    List of Universities without GRE Requirement>>>
    Silentx09, Eamon09 and Lalehky like this.
    Comments 90 Comments
    1. keeru's Avatar
      keeru -

      i have 15 years of education.. is a Post Graduation Diploma equivalent to 16th year?
    1. Somi's Avatar
      Somi -
      Hello,my revised GRE score is 300(verbal 139,quant 161). Graduation mechanical Engineering,74% . 8th Position.2international journal publications.IELTS result awaiting,expecting 7.
      What should I do?retake GRE,or apply? which universities should I choose?
    1. kaylarose2's Avatar
      kaylarose2 -
      Does anyone where Kean University in Union, NJ would fall in these categories?
    1. Anonymous's Avatar
      Anonymous -
      I dont seem this appropriate... As much of the list contradicts to what my friends have got into... and it does with a large difference...
    1. Unregi's Avatar
      Unregi -
      Not so accurate
    1. eedara's Avatar
      eedara -
      My gre score is 286 can i get admission in minnesota state university,mankato
    1. prageet's Avatar
      prageet -
      hey guys..

      can anyone help me to find the university that offers ms in entrepreneurship or in management courses...
    1. apakshay's Avatar
      apakshay -
      hello everyone...
      Please help me guys, I m confuse regarding my course for MS. I m doing B.E in MECHANICAL ENGG, should I go with Thermodynamic or Automobile sector...??????
      Please do suggest me other decent courses also.
    1. apakshay's Avatar
      apakshay -
      hello everyone...
      Please help me guys, I m confuse regarding my course for MS. I m doing B.E in MECHANICAL ENGG, should I go with Thermodynamic or Automobile sector...??????
      Please do suggest me other decent courses also.
    1. vibha_kulk's Avatar
      vibha_kulk -
      Hi .. My GRE score is 321 and I am looking for MS in Computer Science in US. My colleges of preference include Georgia Tech , Texa A &M, Perdue , Maryland, CMU , University of Texas Austin. Wanted to know what are my chances of getting in this universities??
    1. ravi475's Avatar
      ravi475 -
      hi my gre score is 295 ,planning for fall 2013
      tofel socre-90
      b.tech-70(upto now 4-1)
      can any one prefer 5 best universities for computer science in us based on my score
    1. legend's Avatar
      legend -
      hi Please suggest US universities for MS in computer science for fall 2013 according to my grades:
      TOEFL iBT: 81/120, Reading: 21, Listening: 19, Speaking: 20, Writing: 21
      GRE General: 299/340, Verbal: 140, Quantitative: 159, Writing: 3
      BS. GPA : C
    1. abgwal's Avatar
      abgwal -
      I have 63% in Btech, 72 in 12th and 61% in 10th.Also, I have one year gap after my 12th. I am planning for MS in Fall 2013. I have not given the GRE test as of now. Is it the right time to apply for fall 2013...or I am quite late now ?
      If there's any possiblity for applying to colleges then please suggest...
      Thanks in advance.
    1. abgwal's Avatar
      abgwal -
      Please suggest, my Btech stream was Computer Science...Which stream should I select for MS...I have come to know that there is Computer Scinece and Information System for which I could be eligible. Please suggest which among two would be best for me...Also, if there's any other stream apart from these two, where I could apply then please guide.
    1. triple.sus's Avatar
      triple.sus -
      I am currently doing my MTech in Electronics System and Communication from NIT Rourkela.
      My CGPA till 2nd sem is 8.21.
      BE in Electronics and Telecommunication with 62.77%.
      GRE score is
      verbal 143
      quat 164
      anal 3
      TOEFL 99
      which universities can i apply for with this score for my PhD.
    1. onlinenira's Avatar
      onlinenira -
      Hello Ajay,

      I can see North Dakota State University in two categories >300 and >290. Could you please let me know the which is correct, I have score 299 and trying to seek admission in the same.

    1. Dharmesh's Avatar
      Dharmesh -
      Quote Originally Posted by keeru View Post

      i have 15 years of education.. is a Post Graduation Diploma equivalent to 16th year?

      yes it is equivalent to 16th year, I exchanged mails with the some university professors.
    1. sravani11's Avatar
      sravani11 -
      Hai ,
      Can anyone please suggest the universities for MS in bioinformatics / biotechnology / biomedical sciences
      My profile :-
      GRE - 289 Math - 149 , Verbal 140
      B.pharm - 77.7%
      10th - 83 %
      Intermediate - 88 %

      Thanks in advance ...!!!!!
    1. nrharsha's Avatar
      nrharsha -
      Hai ,
      Can anyone please suggest the universities for MS in mechanical engineering
      My profile :-
      GRE - 292 , Verbal- 143 , quant-149
      10th - 84.32 %
      12th - 57.33 %
      B.E- 56.36 (upto 7th sem)
      Toefl yet to take
      Thanks in advance ...!!!!!
    1. avinashb's Avatar
      avinashb -
      hello this is Avinash. I just gave my gre and got a score of 287(Q147, V-140), toefl-103, academics- 71% could you please suggest some universities which i can apply for? thank you.
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