Consulate: Mumbai BKC
Date: 5th Dec 2011
Time: 7:45 am
I reached consulate around 6:30 am, thought I was very early but to my surprise there was crowd waiting already. At 7:15 am I was standing in a queue of students, HDFC receipt checked with i20 and passport. Then I entered the room where token number was given. My number was N 242. Then came the security check. All Docs and things were passed through X ray check.
Then I entered the Main Hall of Interview which has around 42 counters. Done Finger printing at counter number 42, an Old American man greeted me -Good Morning Krunal

VO: u N 242
I was at 6 ft distance
Me: yes mam
VO: Come come come!!
Me: Good Morning Mam, How r u???( With a Big Smile)
VO: smiling back.. I m gud, How r u?
Me: I am fine
VO: your passport pls
Me: Yes mam
VO: So which school r u going for?
Me: sorry mam( I cudnt hear "school")
VO: which school?
Me: UTA, University of Texas at Arlington
VO: whats ur undergrad degree?
Me: I have done Computer Enggineering with first class distinction
VO: what is first class distinction?
Me: mam its a highest attainable grade. There are grades like first class, second class. I got this grade with 70.30% mam
VO: whats ur GRE?
Me: 1200 with split up of 730 in quant and 470 in verbal
VO: 470 in verbal?
Me: yes mam
Me: 96 mam
VO: Why u choose UTA?
Me: research oriented studies + I get Focus on software Engg. Also, research work is done in software engg lab by Dr. Christoph Csallner and Dr. Yu Lei impressed me, So I would have academics + research + this would fulfill my long term goal of working as a Sr. Software Engg in TCS, India
At this time, She went away with my i20, where these were hardest 3 minutes

She came back and Sat on chair but still was murmuring with VO on her right side. I was like " JALDI KARO YAAR!!!!!!!!!"
Then she smiled me back and said " Oh !!! sorry!!!!"
I asked myself why sorry, then realized oh she was not attending me for 3 long minutes that why she said sorryā€¦
Me: No problem mam
VO: smiled
VO: tell me sumthing abt UTA?
Me: UTA has good campus, one of the best colleges of UT system, My dept have 18 research labs.( Dnt knw jst spoke anything abt UTA without organization)
VO: So, Do u have texas as a location preference?
Me: No mam, it is having excellent software Engg curriculum and so I wud get academics + research opportunities.
VO: So, How wud you fund? How wud you pay these fees? ( By looking towards i20)
Me: My father works as a production manager In German MNC named XX pvt ltd.
VO: do u have any assets?
Me: I have assets worth XX lakhs and My father have savings worth XX lakhs and so there would be no problem financially. Should I show you docs..
VO: Not Required.
VO: whats your fathers annual income?
Me: XX lacs per annum
VO was continuously typing for 1 minute, nodded her head up down, looked Happy.. I now thought I would get it..
Then came Golden awaited Words
VO: "Congratulations, Your VISA is issued

Me: Thank you mam leaved, but again went to window and asked I would get passport in a week?
VO: I dont know actually but it depends on VFS courier services.
Me: Ok, thank you mam. Have a nice Day..(smiling)
VO: smiling

I came out of Consulate Smiling, Gave a Hug to my father who came with me at Mumbai.
Friends just show confidence and have a smiley face

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