Key Factors in US University Admissions
1: First and foremost is ur GPA which is on a scale of 4.0 if u have a GPA of 4.0 on a scale of 4.0 (as per WES evaluation) and even if ur GRE score is less u will get an admit for sure. In terms of CGPA i ain't that sure about the scale but i guess its on a scale of 10 and any CGPA above 7 is awesome2: Second Important factor is ur GRE score. If u have a decent GRE ( decent here means above 295) u will get an admit in most of the universities except the ambitious ones like Harvard, John Hopkins, Berkeley Cali and so on... But if ur GRE is above 315 there are more options for ya.
3: Third is your Toefl and Ielts scores ( I wonder why myriad of the students give Ielts and skipping Toefl may be its hard to get a toefl dates i guess, but if one think that toefl is harder than Ielts then ur in a dilemma. Toefl is way easier exam and also sending of scores is faster and more compatible in terms of Ielts, but i m just saying this its upto u whichever exam u choose) anyways coming back to the scores
For Toefl:- Any score above 92 is safe make sure u get this 92 with a minimum of 20 marks in each section, not one section less than 20 U MUST RETAKE even if u get a score of 81 fulfilling the minimum of 20 in each sections U will GET AN ADMIT.
For Ielts:- 6.5 and a minimum of 6.0 band in each section and if u score 7 bands ur gonna rock.
4: Is ur extracurricular like publications in International bodies or even in Indian bodies which represents India at an international level, Like Indian dental association, Indian Medical association, & Association of Engineering counsel of India. Or any other publication in JADA i.e. Journal of American dental associations etc. , IT BOOSTS UP UR PROFILE.
Xtracurricular certificates like event management, any research project, any survey work etc... and all can also boost ur page.
5: GOOD LORS :- Guys LORS matter a lots, never take it lightly.
6: A STRONG STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ** this is double starred u should write an awesome statement of purpose, even if u have tons of backlogs mention them on ur SOP and write reasons of having backlogs and attempts of clearance, write your Sop on ur own and cross check it with some erudite person.
Class X and XII % hardly matters guys even if one have a supplementary in Class X or say XII U can admit if u have strong GPA< GRE
I hope whatever I have written in this post is up to my best knowledge and any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
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